The Spyglass has a built-in online monitor that notifies you when a person you added to monitor comes online or goes offline, regardless whether they are on your (Second Life) friends list or not. The names of the persons that are currently online are also displayed on the HUD.
The image above shows the names of people that have been added to the friends list that are currently online.
You can use menu commands or chat commands to manage the list. For the menu commands, open the menu by clicking the menu button ,
then choose Tools and Online Monitor.
Then, to add a person, click the Add Name button and select the name of an avatar
near you or type the person's name in local chat (/17 <name of the person>
— without the <, >, and see instructions in the menu).
To remove a person from the list, click the Remove Name button and choose the name of the person you want to remove in the next menu.
Finally, the menu offers an option that lists all the persons you added to the online monitor. Click the List Names button to do that.
In order to add or remove persons from the Spyglass's online monitor, you can also make use of the following chat commands (without the <, >):
/17 monitor <Full avatar name> /17 removemonitor <Full avatar name>