On the web page, search settings were added so you can select
which fields will be searched (title, tags, remarks, subfolders,
brand) when you enter a search term in the search box.
November 2024
When renaming a tag, the corresponding tag is now also renamed in the clothing type tag mapping and the favorite tags
"javascript:" links in remarks now work properly
Activating the "more images" function in the item upload window is now saved as a setting and is restored when re-opening the window or reloading the page
August 2024
SL inventory import from cache file (available on Wardrobe Premium Subscription accounts).
You can access it from here: Import > SL Inventory Import.
The pre-selected tag set is now saved on a per-link basis (i.e., when you open someone's Wardrobe, it won't try to select your tag set anymore)
When adding and editing items, the suggested tags now won't contain any duplicates anymore
May 2024
Outfit creator and Strip Me
HUD updates:
Current Body: Now all subfolders containing the search word in the "Subfolders" column will be put on
Worn Outfits: The HUD now correctly recognizes something worn on your right hind foot and reports that as worn
April 2024
The image recognition model was updated to recognize more different clothing types (previously: 34, now 72)
Fixed a bug concerning linked pages having the "Current Body" tag set. Previously only the first active body/head was considered, now all active heads and bodies are taken into account when displaying the items.
The "put on" actions in Rulebook now consider both the Clothing Type System and Current Body.
September-December 2023
Click an item's title to copy it to the clipboard
Sorting options for Worn Outfits and Wear History
Search and display options for Wear History
When editing tags in the tags pane, you can now split them into multiple tags
Added an option to display subfolders in an aligned way (Preferences > Page Appearance > Display Options > Aligned Subfolders)
Download your Wardrobe images named as the items' titles (Backup > Download Images)
New layout possibilities were added to the Wardrobe page so that you can arrange the Wardrobe window to your liking.
For instance, you can dock the "Worn Outfits" window to the side, and it will stay there (also when you reload the page).
Or you can dock the Multi-Edit window to the side to make it easier to choose the items you want to edit.
On Premium Wardrobe accounts, the page now runs on HTTPS all the time without the need for installing certificates etc.
March 2023
The item selection boxes (e.g., for "Put on more") now display an image of the outfit, which will enlarge if you hover it.
Also, you can now grab items by their title and drag them into the item selection boxes.
In the tooltip of the "Wear item" icon, a link was added to display the related items (the items referenced in "Put on more", "Take off", "Put on after").
The suggestion box was made searchable.
December 2022
Added the "Lock" icon also in the "Worn Outfits" and the "Wear History" windows.
A "Marketplace Search" button in the Import > Add Items dialog was added, so you could search and import items based on their title. This can be particularly useful in combination with the "Dressing Room" feature, which will display the subfolder names of one dedicated folder under your #RLV folder.
In the Worn Outfits window, you can now select if you want to display all folders from which something is worn, or only Wardrobe items. Also, on linked Wardrobe pages, private items and folders with no corresponding Wardrobe item won't be shown in Worn Outfits anymore.
Wardrobe now records when you put a particular item on and how many times you've put it on. The information is displayed at the bottom of each item. You can also sort by this data.
October 2022
Two new filters were added to filter items based on if they do or don't have any Clothing Type tags.
It is now possible to format remarks when you edit an item or add new items via Import > Add Items: you can make text bold, italic, underlined, you can insert horizontal divider lines, links, and bulleted and numbered lists.
July 2022
You can now reorder the entries in the "Current Body" dialog by dragging the numbers.
Added a setting in Preferences > Security > Wardrobe Unlocking to disable the emergency unlocking when your Wardrobe is locked.
On Premium Subscription accounts, there is now an icon in the subfolders line of items to load the inventory subfolders for easier dressing, so that you don't have to open the "wear with options" dialog.
May 2022
Added replace/options to multi-edit for subfolders, put on more outfits, take off when attaching, put on after detaching.
May 2022 (v2.8.6)
New Mesh Pose Stand.
The pose stand was upgraded to a new, nicer 2 LI mesh pose stand.
A fun exclusive "Jumping Yay" pose was added, kindly created and provided by Nebulae Sands.
Support for the Universal Layer.
The web page and the HUD now support the "Universal" layer.
If you're an AutoStrip user, please make sure to also update your AutoStrip installation.
Configurable Entering of Remarks and Subfolders.
You can now configure if you want the HUD to ask you to enter remarks and subfolders
when adding items using your HUD.
Both settings can be turned on and off individually.
To change the configuration, tick the respective options on your Wardrobe web page in
Preferences > HUD Settings > Properties While Uploading.
Wear With Options Dialog: Put On / Take Off Linked Items.
You now have the option to also include linked items when putting something on or taking
something off from the "Wear with Options" dialog:
Look out for the new "Consider linked items" checkbox.
HTTPS Support.
The HUD now supports HTTPS, so that you can use HTTPS from your web page.
However, since LL's SSL certificate for inworld server objects isn't recognized by a global
certification authority, you'll have to add exceptions to your browsers manually so that the certificate is accepted.
If you fail to do so, the web page will not be able to communicate with the HUD.
Bug Fixes in the pose stand camera and in the body/head detection.
April 2022
Tag suggestions are now customizable so that you can add tags you always want to have shown
as suggestions, and you can hide the individual suggestion categories
(most used tags, most recently used tags, and the image-based suggestions).
You can configure the settings in Preferences > Page Appearance > Tag Suggestions.
Added a filter to filter for items with no images.
Added the "Tail" clothing type.
You can now hide the tags displayed in the bottom section of the items in Preferences > Page Appearance > Display Options.
February 2022
Export and import Wardrobe items from another Wardrobe account (Import > Import/Export Items)
Allowing you to opt out of the automatic add-on-purchase (Preferences > New Item Defaults > Automatic Import)
January 2022
When adding an item from a Marketplace URL, all images of the Marketplace listing will now be loaded (at most 4, though).
Specifically, if you use Import > Add Items, and when you edit an item on your Wardrobe web page,
they'll be loaded and displayed.
When you import an item from a Marketplace URL on your HUD, all (up to 4) images will be added automatically.
Locking an item will now also lock the item's subfolders.
December 5, 2021
Added multi-editing for images (append, replace, remove images).
September-October 2021 (v2.8.4 Beta and v2.8.5)
Removed AutoStrip.
AutoStrip is now available as a plugin you can obtain for free. The reason for its removal were stack-heap collision script errors that plagued many users. In case you don't use it, the HUD's memory footprint is now also reduced.
Item Locks.
You can now lock and unlock items directly, without having to go through the "Locks" dialog. There is a new lock/unlock icon, which you can activate in Preferences > Page Appearance > Item Actions.
Locking/unlocking an item will add/remove the respective folder to or from the locked folders.
Please note that in order to lock an item, you must be logged into SL and be wearing your Wardrobe HUD.
Current Body Feature: Support For Multiple Bodies / Heads (Premium).
All of the attachments (bodies, heads, anything else, if you want) that you configure in the "Current Body" dialog are now reported as "current" when you are wearing them.
The tag sets are merged accordingly into the "Current Body" tag set.
Attention if you are using "Must" tags: if multiple "Current Body" attachments are worn, only items matching all of the must tags (across all attachments) will be shown.
Current Body Feature: Partial Subfolder Matching (Premium).
The subfolders in the "Current Body" configuration are now matched against inventory subfolder names. To match, the subfolder strings defined in the configuration must be contained in the inventory subfolder name. The matching is case-sensitive.
E.g., if you have a subfolder "Lara" in the configuration, all the subfolders "LaraTop", "LaraBottom", or "Top Lara" will be put on.
Pose Stand.
Three new exclusive poses were added kindly created for Wardrobe by Nebulae Sands. Thank you, Nebbie!
The pose stand's chat messages can now be turned off and on again by touching the backdrop.
The pose stand has now copy and mod permissions.
HUD Position Preference. When you move the HUD, the position is now saved and restored after resetting the HUD.
A put on / take off chat API has been added.
Web Page Changes From Suggestions.
The "Clear" button will now not just clear tags, but also searches and filters.
In the Clothing Type Matrix (in the Clothing Type System configuration), only the clothing type rows and columns are shown which you actually have associated tags with.
The selection in the Archive bar of which items are to be shown is saved and restored on page reload.
Bug Fixes.
Locks (folder locks, attachment point locks, and the Premium Wardrobe locking feature) are now persistent across relogs and HUD resets.
February-March 2021
Wardrobe Q&A.
Search and compact view for Worn Outfits.
January 20, 2021
Added "Remove all items with tags" as a Rulebook action.
January 13, 2021
When you lock someone's Wardrobe you can now be notified if it gets emergency-unlocked.
Subfolders can now be taken off directly on an item. If you hover over the folder icon, it will turn into the "take off" icon.
January 4, 2021 (v2.8.3)
Official release of v2.8.2 beta with fixes for problems found in the beta.
Workaround for an obscure networking problem that caused commands to the HUD to be issued twice.
Added support for pasting images, Marketplace/image URLs, and texture UUIDs in the Edit Item dialog.
Christmas 2020
Added new item dressing option to take off items when attaching and to put on other items after detaching.
This is useful, for instance, if you want to detach your nipples when putting on a dress, and putting the nipples back on when the dress is taken off again.
In the "Add Items" dialog, you can configure a folder contained directly below the #RLV folder from which folder names are loaded from which to create items.
For instance, you could create a "Fitting Room" folder within your #RLV folder, and set that as your base folder. Drag all your items that you are about to add to Wardrobe into the "Fitting Room" folder, and you'll have all the names for your new Wardrobe items ready.
Image stretching: You can now hold down the Shift key while cropping, which will remove the aspect ratio restriction, i.e., you can create non-square crops. The image will then be stretched to create a full, square image.
December 13, 2020
On Premium Subscription accounts, a statistics feature was added, showing bar charts of how many items were added per day, per month, and per year.
It is accessible from Tools > Statistics.
Subfolders now have an auto-complete in the "Edit Item" and "Add Items" dialogs, showing the names of subfolders you created on other items.
Also, the actual subfolder names will be loaded from your inventory if your inventory and displayed similarly to the tag suggestions if a folder matching the item title is found in your inventory.
December 2020 (v2.8.2 Beta)
Dynamic “Current Body” Tag Set.
On Premium Subscription accounts, there is a new dynamic “Current Body” Tag Set, which will only show the items compatible with the body you're currently wearing and, when using the QuickDress icon, will apply the subfolders configured for the body.
A configuration step (Tools > Configure “Current Body” Tag Set) is needed for it to work, in which you define the name of the body (the name of the actual body attachment) and the tag(s) you use on your item to mark them as compatible with your body.
You'll also need to wear v2.8.2 of the HUD or later.
Wardrobe Restraints.
For BDSM lovers, there is now a way to have your Wardrobe locked (either until is unlocked again, or for a limited amount of time), so that you cannot dress or undress from the Wardrobe page.
For this purpose, create a special link with the "Lock" permission. A "Lock/Unlock" button will be displayed on the corresponding linked page.
This feature is available on Premium Subscription accounts.
November 28, 2020
Unified all upload/import methods (Upload Image, Import Texture, Import from Marketplace) into Import > Add Items
Extended drag and drop and copy-paste support: you can now paste image and Marketplace URLs, as well as texture UUIDs directly in to the "Add Items" dialog, and drag in Marketplace URLs.
Extended the Add Items dialog to include all item fields.
Added support for importing images from image and Marketplace URLs in the Edit Item dialog.
November 2020 (v2.8.1)
Web Page
Dressing/Undressing Systems.
The traditional way was to define, on a per-item basis, which attachment points and clothing layers were to be detached before that particular item was put on. This is referred to now as the "Attachment Point System".
Now you have the "Clothing Type System" as an additional option. The idea is that certain types of clothing will replace other specific types of clothing. For instance, a dress will always replace a dress, but it will not remove underwear or jewelry you're wearing.
New Icon Set
Edit Intermediate Tag Levels. Added feature to edit intermediate levels in the tag hierarchy. E.g., you can now change "Top/Bikini", "Top/Shirt", ... to "Tops/Bikini", "Tops/Shirt" with just one edit, by editing "Top".
Added "Remove Clothing" icon to base outfits.
Image Cropping. You can now crop images when uploading. Also, if you extend the image area beyond the original dimension, the excess area will be filled with a color you can define in Preferences > New Item Defaults > Image Cropping > Crop Fill Color.
Suggestion Box. On Wardrobe Premium accounts, a suggestion box was added in which you can add your suggestions and vote for suggestions made by yourself and others.
Persistent HUD Settings. The HUD's settings are now persistent across HUD resets and updates, and you now can configure the HUD from your Wardrobe web page (Preferences > HUD Settings).
For the auto-add-on-purchase prompt, which wasn't working when the HUD was minimized, and the legibility of the buttons was improved.
The AutoStrip script was improved by compressing the data kept in the script so that, hopefully, you won't get any of the notorious stack-heap collision errors anymore in the future.
Pose Stand
Support for Keyboard Interaction.
You can now use the following keys:
Left, Right: Rotate your avatar
Shift+Left, Shift+Right: Rotate by 90°
Up, Down: Switch poses
Page Up, Page Down: Move your avatar up or down
September 2020
Added feature to edit intermediate levels in the tag hierarchy. E.g., you can now change "Top/Bikini", "Top/Shirt", ... to "Tops/Bikini", "Tops/Shirt" with just one edit, by editing "Top".
Added "Remove Clothing" icon to base outfits.
August 2020
Added possibility to set the crop fill color: When an image is extended beyond its natural bounds, the excess area will be filled with that color. The color can be set in Preferences > New Item Defaults > Image Cropping > Crop Fill Color.
In Tools > Posestand Backdrops > Texture, added the possibility to display only your personal backdrops (textures you uploaded by clicking the "Add Backdrop" button).
July 2020
Added feature to crop images when uploading. To crop an image, drag the handles in the corners or at the edges that will appear after uploading an image.
June 2020
Added the suggestion box (for premium accounts).
May 2020 (v2.8)
Web Page
Bringing Wardrobe Closer to You. We now have a server located in the USA in addition to the existing server (located in Germany). If you had problems reaching your Wardrobe page in the past, you can now transfer your Wardrobe account to the US server: Preferences > Miscellaneous > Wardrobe Server
You are offered one complimentary transfer. The US server also offers faster image hosting, which you can benefit from by getting the Wardrobe Premium Subscription at just 50L$ a week.
The Premium Subscription fee is payable at the "Wardrobe Premium Subscription Station" in the CTS inworld store.
AI-based Tag Suggestions. In addition to the most recently and most frequently used tags, you get AI-based tag suggestions. The model currently recognizes clothing types and colors. The system tries to match the detected types and colors to your existing tags. There are ongoing efforts on how to improve it.
Better Usability for Wearing Outfits. Previously, you had to be careful to give every item a "unique" name, or you would get random results when trying to put it on. Thanks to a new RLV function, this is now no longer necessary. So, now it's perfectly fine to have items named "Gown", "Red Gown", and "Red Long Gown".
Improved "Worn Outfits". The protocol to retrieve worn outfits was improved to make it less prone to the dreaded Stack-Heap Collisions (i.e., scripts running out of memory).
December 2019
Made base outfits reorderable.
July 29, 2019
Added support for pasting images by hitting Ctrl+V (Windows) or Cmd+V (Mac) into the "Upload Images" dialog. If you hit Ctrl+V/Cmd+V anywhere, the dialog will open if it isn't open yet.
June 15, 2019
"Recent Items" is now accessible from the Search at the top right. You now have greater flexibility to search by date. Click on the clock icon for a date range picker or enter a textual date range (e.g., "today", "yesterday", "last week", "2 months ago", etc.). Hover on the search box for more info.
New "Restore Backup" function (Tools > Restore Backup). When restoring from a backup file, all the items in the file will be added to your current Wardrobe content.
June 8, 2019
Duplicating items. In the "Edit" dialog, click the "Duplicate Item" button.
Multi-Deleting: From Tools > Multi-Delete you can delete multiple items at once.
February 2019 (v2.7)
Web Page
Up to 4 images per Wardrobe item. In addition to the places listed below (January 31, 2018: Edit Item, Import Snapshots, by E-Mail, Upload Images), there is now also support for uploading multiple images from textures in "Edit Item" and in the "Import Texture" dialog.
Put On More Outfits. In the "Dressing" tab of the "Edit Item" dialog, you can associate items that will be put on after the one in question. This also works recursively, i.e., if an associated item has more associated items in turn, these well also be put on after the first level of associated items has been put on. When you take off an item that has associated items, these will also be removed.
In order for this to work correctly, you might have to add a delay between the individual items (the viewer might act up otherwise). The delay is configurable in Preferences > Dressing > Dressing Delay.
Wardrobe web page skins. The look of your Wardrobe web page can be changed now. Currently, there are dark themes and a playful pink one available for purchase in the inworld store.
Find items without tags and without creators. At the bottom of the tags list (to the left on your Wardrobe page), you'll find links "(Items without tags)" and "(items without a creator)". If you click them, all your items (if any) without any tags, or without a creator, respectively, will be shown so you can fix them and tag them correctly / set the creator.
Saving entered data. Data you enter in the dialogs to create new items are saved and are restored when you reload your Wardrobe web page.
Folder locks.Tools > Locks now gives you the possibility to lock up to 5 folders (in addition to mere attachment points/clothing layers). With this feature, you could, e.g., lock your body in place so it won't become undetachable, both in the viewer and by Wardrobe. If you stick to mostly one body, this is great to prevent you from accidentally detaching it.
Support for auto-importing items after purchasing. If a designer supports this, the Wardrobe HUD will display the item you just purchased and will ask you if you want to import it into your Wardrobe. The vendor texture is used as picture for the Wardrobe item. You can either
Import using automatic tagging (the system tries to extract tags from the texture);
Import using your own tags (the HUD will ask you to enter tags and remarks);
Decline automatic importing.
To make this feature more useful, we need your help! Talk to your favorite designer(s) or give them the notecard "A Request From The Wardrobe Community" describing what they need to do. It's one simple step for them, so hopefully, many will adopt this and make life for all of us a lot easier! Please feel free to use the notecard as a letter to them, and feel free to substitute their name and yours.
PLEASE NOTE: currently only the CasperVend system is supported, so please make sure the designer is using CasperVend before you give them the notecard.
Support for folder locks.
December 2018
SL Brand Directory / Creators. There is a new "Creator" field in the item editing and creation dialogs that allows you to associate a creator with your Wardrobe item.
In Tools > Brand Directory you can find a directory with SL brands, which serves as basis for the information that will be shown on an item once you've picked a creator.
Quick Access to most and recently used tags. All dialogs in which you can edit and add new items now have a list of tags under the "Tags" field so you can easily add your most frequently and your recently used tags just by clicking the respective tag in the list.
Find items without tags. At the bottom of the tags list (to the left on your Wardrobe page), you'll find a link "(Items without tags)". If you click it, all your items (if any) without any tags will be shown so you can fix them and tag them correctly.
Unicode support. It is now possible to use unicode symbols for any part of your items (title, tags, remarks, etc.)
Date format and timezones. In Preferences > Miscellaneous > User Interface you'll find two new fields to select how dates below your items are displayed. Also, you can select the timezone you're in (or leave it on the default if you want SLT) to show the correct date when you added an item.
January 31, 2018
Support for up to 4 images per item:
Edit Item: In "Edit Item" click the "More..." link under images, and you'll be able to upload additional images.
Import Snapshots: When you add items by clicking the HUD's snapshot button on the 12o'clock position and saving snapshots to your harddrive, you can now save more than one image per item. Drag the images to your Wardrobe web page as usual, and the item will automatically be assigned all the snapshots (up to 4) you took. On the "Import Snapshots" window, you can also drag&drop images into the secondary image placeholders and organize them by dragging and dropping.
Add Item by E-Mail: If you use the e-mail method to add items, you can send up to 4 e-mails with the same subject line (i.e., the same item title). The images of subsequent submissions with the same title will all go to the same item as additional images.
Upload Images: The "Upload Images" window now also has a "More..." link under "Images". To add an additional image to an item, either expand "Images" and click the "..." button to browse for an image, or just click the "+" button in the left bar, which will add the top most image of the list to the current item as a secondary image.
January 15, 2018
Social icons. If you enter links to social sites in the item remarks, they will be now displayed as icons rather than text links.
A "take off" button on items. In the preferences, a new tab "Adjust Item Actions" was added where you can specify which icons you want to show or hide on each item. If you select the new "Take off" option, a "take off" icon will always be shown. It will only do anything, i.e., take the outfit off, if your actually wearing it.
October 2017 (v2.6)
Web Page:
Tag sets (e.g., to create categories). Save the currently active tag configuration. In this way, you could make categoriesfor your Wardrobe items (e.g., "Clothing", "Furniture", ...). To activate or deactivate a tag set click the corresponding tag set name. The active tag set appears with a dark blue background. To create a new tag set based on the currently selected tags, click "Save selected tags as tag set" and enter a name.
New upload method: Import > Import from Marketplace.
A faster way to create your Wardrobe items! Drag a Marketplace URL to your Wardrobe web page, and the "Import from Marketplace" dialog will open. Drop the URL on the "Marketplace URL" field (or paste in a Marketplace URL and click "Go"), and the tool will retrieve all relevant information (title, image, tags) from the product's Marketplace page. The tags are extracted from the description text and adapted to the tags you're using, so treat them as a initial suggestion that you can adapt to your own needs.
Support for Bento attachment points in "Undress", "Locks", the item's dressing preferences.
Search: support for search à la Google:
use quotation marks to search for an exact sequence of words
use a minus sign "-" to exlude words
Multi-Edit (Tools > Multi-Edit) now works on the selected items instead of all visible items.
When you open the Multi-Edit tool, the visible items will become selected. You can now modify the selection (deselect/re-select a single item by Ctrl-clicking (Mac: Cmd-clicking) it, holding the shift key to select a range, etc.). When you click "OK" in the editing dialog, the changes will only be applied to the selected items.
Support for Bento attachment points.
New upload method: Scanner / Marketplace import.
When unpacking your purchases, click the new scanner icon on your HUD (5o'clock position) when you're standing next to a box/bag containing the new clothing. The Wardrobe HUD will look for a match on the Marketplace and if it finds one, will add the corresponding item to your Wardrobe.
Marketplace Automatic Quick Import. When you click the snapshot button, you now have the option to do an automatic Marketplace import by simply pasting the Marketplace item's URL in local chat. Title, tags, and images will be set automatically, based on the information on the Marketplace web page.
September 2015 (v2.5)
Web Page
New upload method: drag snapshots onto your web page to import them (see below).
Hierarchical tags: if a tag contains slashes "/" or ">>", the parts separated by these separators will be displayed as subgroups in the tags view.
Configure closet / custom boards (Tools > Configure Closet).
You must be in the vicinity of closet rezzed inworld or a custom board to use the tool.
New upload method: click the "Snapshot" button and enter the item details, take a snapshot and drag it (or a batch of snapshots) onto the web page to import them.
The item details you entered will be associated with the snapshot automatically.
Auto-strip feature. When enabled (on the web page: edit an item > Dressing > Auto-Strip), all the clothing layers and attachments contained in the folder will be removed automatically as soon as one of the layers/attachments is removed either manually or using Wardrobe.
The pose stand configuration shows the RGB value of the current color and lets you adjust the RGB values directly on the HUD.
Wardrobe v2.5 comes with a brand new, beautiful mesh closet. The closet's appearance can be configured both with the HUD and on the Wardrobe web page (Tools > Configure Closet).
April 2013 (v2.4)
Web Page
A dialog showing the wear history.
Per-item options to set QuickDress defaults (add or replace, put on base outfits before the actual outfit).
Batch file upload, which allows dragging and dropping of files.
Locking clothing layers and attachments (Tools > Locks).
Password protection (Preferences > Security).
Inworld texture uploads on the HUD: text can be now entered also on channel 23 instead of only in local chat.
Option to adjust windlight when posing from HUD.
Turning on/off wearing-related messages.
Pose stand
Adjust z-offset and rotation from HUD.
Menus for access control and control who can dress you.
Sorting in parcel media closet.
Custom Closet Display if you want to build your own closet (see the respective notecard for instructions).
Detect full path: if an item title starts with a "/", the item title is treated as the full path to the item, and this path is used when the item is put on.
January 2012 (v2.3)
A dialog showing the currently worn outfits (need to be worn from within in the #RLV folder).
This dialog allows you to remove an outfit (remove clothing by outfit rather than by layers/attachment points).
The dialog also allows you to re-apply an outfit.
Support for new layers and attachment points was added.
The Edit dialog now includes the Alpha layer to take off before wearing.
Optionally, all base outfits can be put on before putting on an outfit.
The quality of inworld textures uploaded to Wardrobe (either via the web page by entering the texture UUID or by dragging and dropping a texture onto the HUD) has been improved.
The gifts section on the Wardrobe web page.
The Wardrobe HUD can be locked so as to prevent it from being detached via RLV (Menu > Setup > Lock HUD).
Camera angle management (in Menu > CamAngles): allows you to save, restore, and delete camera angles.
Improved design of the on-HUD display and the page for the "shared media" closet.
The size of the pose stand can be changed (in Menu > ConfigStand > Size).
The pose stand can temporarily change your Windlight settings for improved snapshot lighting (requires RLV).
The HUD contains a selection of new poses, including male poses.
When a new pose stand is rezzed from the HUD, you can choose which set of poses to add to the pose stand.
April 2011 (v2.2)
Undressing your avatar. Click the "Undress" button and choose what you want to take off.
You have more control over what you want to wear. There is still the usual "Quick Dress" icon, and an additional new icon that lets you choose what to wear: you can choose from which subfolder you want to wear the items, or you can chose which layers or attachment points to put on.
Save and restore camera angles. There is a new button on the HUD with which you can save camera angles. Cam on your avatar while posing using the HUD or standing on the Wardrobe pose stand and click the upper half of the button to save your perfected camera angle. To restore a camera angle, click one of the small arrow buttons in the lower half of the Camera button. Stand up or click the HUD's Stop button to release the camera.
January 2011 (v2.1)
Added more control over what is detached when an outfit is worn.
Removed "security" feature from parcel media closet, added "resetcloset" chat command.
December 2010 (v2.0)
Wear outfits directly from your Wardrobe page. With a single click you now can put on an outfit, either from your Wardrobe web page or from the new inworld rezzable closet.
New inworld rezzable closet, which uses land media to display your Wardrobe and therefore works with any viewer.
New pose stand with a configurable backdrop. The new Wardrobe comes with a pose stand, that is actually a mini photo studio. With your HUD you can configure the backdrop colors and textures. The backdrop only unfolds when you are posing and will disappear if you stop posing. Of course you can also hide the backdrop and use the pose stand as any other pose stand.
New set of poses. A new set of 15 poses by Lonka Simondsen from *LeFreak* is contained in Wardrobe, both for posing with the HUD and the pose stand.
Easier upload of existing textures. Simply drag a texture onto your HUD and enter title and tags.